Tree Removal from a Private Property in Toronto Requires Special Permission

Trees add a splash of color to any landscape, and each seems to have its own personality. It’s unnerving to see trees that are slowly dying, leaving behind just a memory of their flowers and fruits. In Toronto, which is estimated to have over ten million trees, you are bound to see all kinds. With so many trees in the mix, there is no shortage of tree cutting contractors in Toronto.

Many families have lived with the trees in their backyards from childhood and have memories attached to them. Those that are new to Toronto might have had some planted to enhance dull spots in their gardens or lawns.

There’s no shortcut to tree removal

When trees become too old or are eaten from the inside by pests, they need to be removed unless they can recover with a little help. It’s not that easy. The special permission has to be taken by submitting an application to the community council in the area to remove a tree above 1.4m from private property. They require an arborist’s report. Both the board and the certified arborist will charge a fee per tree. Unless you are cutting the tree yourself, there will be a charge by the contractor as well. All these should be added to get a realistic picture of the cost involved.

A search online for “tree cutting service near me will come up with many results. If there is a workaround for the complicated process of taking permission, the vendor should know about it. Other than this, some vendors are specialists at spraying and fertilization or pruning and trimming with limited experience in cutting down trees and removing stumps.

Cutting down a tree is not going to make you win a popularity contest. Today’s new generations finding it easy to call older people ignorant or simple. But, if the tree has genuinely become an eyesore or obstacle, go for it! Also, a dead or terminally ill tree should be replaced to avoid that sense of negativity that it casts without leaves and scattered dead branches. Tree cutting contractors in Toronto have a prompt response, and some work 24/7. If you have the paperwork ready, it’s time to call a reliable tree cutting service provider.

There are two parts to tree cutting, removal of tree and stump. Often the tree cutting is faster than the stump removal, which can be done in several ways. Before planting your next tree, keep in mind the expenses involved with organic fertilizers and pesticides along with trimming and pruning.

Trees have several benefits and allow an owner to be closer to nature with the sound of wind rustling in the leaves and the chirping of birds. But, if that is not your cup of tea, avoid planting another one and settle for hybrid rose bushes or an indoor garden, which will keep you busy in the winter months too.


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